Under current FDA requirements, added sugars have to be listed on a product’s Nutrition Facts label. Tree Top can help you add sweetness and nutritional value while avoiding the negative label, with products like dried fruit and fruit purées that don’t count as added sugar.
As consumers look for alternatives to products with long ingredients lists and added sugars, wholesome fruit-based snacks stand out.
A “no sugar added” label can please older cereal consumers who just want less sugar, as well as younger consumers who are worried about artificial substitutes.
Apple Flake Powder
Blended Fruit Powder
Pear Flake Powder
Dried Apples — Intermediate Moisture
Dried Apples — Low Moisture Standard
Dried Apples — Regular Moisture Standard
Apple Purée Concentrate
Apricot Purée Concentrate
Blackberry Purée Concentrate
Blueberry Purée Concentrate
Organic Apple Purée Concentrate
Organic Apricot Purée Concentrate
Peach Blend Purée Concentrate (Cling and Freestone)
Pear Purée Concentrate
Plum Purée Concentrate
Red Raspberry Purée Concentrate
Red Tart Cherry Purée Concentrate
Strawberry Purée Concentrate
Apple Blend Purée
Apricot Purée
Blackberry Purée
Blueberry Purée
Organic Apple Purée
Organic Peach Purée (Cling and Freestone)
Organic Pear Purée
Peach Purée (Cling and Freestone)
Pear Purée
Plum Purée
Raspberry Purée
Strawberry Purée
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